FREE AJAX based Word Processor
For any of you waiting to do collaborative manuscripts online, because Google's newly acquired Writely has not been accepting new users for the last 4 months, there is an AJAX-based Word processor available now. Here's the original story via Digg:
"This seems to be what everyone thought Google was going to do, but someone else has now beaten them to it. AjaxWrite is just as it sounds a Ajax based Word clone. It seems to have the basic functions that I would need. But I can already tell it is not as functional as word. I like the ability to save as PDF, that's a nice touch."
Or you can just ask somebody for a Writely invite. Search for it on technorati, and you'll get one before you know it.
I have used both, and i likke Writely so much better.
11:44 PM
Thanks. I found someone to invite me by searching technorati.
Writely is as good as expected. I recommend it for others doing collaboration on a manuscript. Much better than email versions back and forth.
2:15 PM
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