Thursday, June 08, 2006

No disrespect...well maybe a little

For those of us interested in group dynamics (e.g., Justin), I found an article about ingroup social behavior. It seems that if an ingroup member is disrespected by other members in the group, then that member will work harder for the group. Further the investigators noted that the discrespected member is not working more to climb the social ladder in the group, but instead to "assert the worth of the self separately from the group." I wonder what keeps the disrespected member in the group given that the motivation for working harder is to stand out.


Blogger Ray said...

I should have access to the article. Let me try, and I'll send it to you.

It is not clear to me if the person, who has been disrespected, is working harder in an attempt to become the new leader of the group. Maybe it is more about building up enough confidence and skills to leave the group and find better opportunities.

7:07 PM


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